About Us

Our mission is to curate the world’s hyperlinks into valuable experiences.


First, what is a hyperlink?

To us…

A hyperlink is a link that points and takes you to a specific point in time and space in a multiverse.

A link can take you to a paragraph of the Constitution, or a gigapixel picture of Mars, or a 4K video of an African Safari or a 360 video of a flying fighter jet’s cockpit having you look over the shoulder of the pilot or put you in a LIVE video call with a shop keeper of a Paris thrift shop or show you a LIVE stream of a person walking down a Bora Bora white sandy beach on a cold February night or take you to into a 3D Virtual Reality game of chess with your family.

We (our team and research partners across the world) curate (many hours of searching, researching, grouping, and subgrouping) links for specific subjects into valuable (entertaining and educational link collections like; Becoming a Nurse, Eating Plant-based, 1980s music catalog, touring every ride at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom) experiences.

We take long web links and turn them into short links that are easily human-readable (like iTour.link/2323 or iResorts.link/3345 or iShop.link/1123, etc.). So it’s a short link pointing to a long link (link ²).

We use proprietary software, managed base domains and processes to catalog and retrieve the short links.

Our managed short links we call …

iShort Links™

iShort Links™ are dynamic in that some only point to a single location and other iShort Links™ point to a single link from a group of links for that topic (so every time you visit that iShort Link™ it’s a surprise) and other iShort Links™ dynamically turn into a iLink Page™ (which is a quick list of links or of other iShort Links™).

You can use iShort Links™ to jump to your destination in a couple of different ways:

We materialize valuable experiences in many formats including:

Other trademarks when seen, you know it's us..







iShort Links Jumping

iShort Links Block






World's Best iDirectories™

World's Best iPapers™

World's Best iPrograms™

World's Best iNewsletters™

That’s pretty much it…

Have Fun today!

Experience On!